Useful Tips for the first week of School


The first day of school for parents often serves as a benchmark in their development. Magazines, articles, videos, and plans have been made for the sole purpose of getting a child ready for the first day of kindergarten. One magazine article states that a child should be able to print their name and clean up their own work for the first day of school. Another magazine article says that children go to kindergarten should know basic colors and shapes. Parents play a role in preparing children academically for jumping into the primary, but more importantly, to prepare them emotionally for their children to start their schooling.

When children start school, they will encounter many new children that they will learn how to work with every day for the entire school year. Others may challenge the way they act, dress or play in the classroom, so parents need to emphasize to their children that they are special and unique. Emotionally, children need to feel secure in who they are before interacting with others in a classroom setting. While their understanding of themselves will be very different than adults understand, children will feel like they can contribute something meaningful to the class and they deserve to learn just like everyone else. Parents can promote these ideals by promoting self-worth of the child with positive and encouraging words. Approach the parent to first day of school will clearly let your child know if the parent believes he or she is willing and able to see the first year of school.

Parents also should work to build confidence in their children so that the child knows he or she can succeed. By promising what the child does well and encourage him or her to deal with new challenges, parent helps the child build confidence to step out of the comfort zone of his or her. This is a necessary step as the child needs to do this on his or her own when school. Parents can also emphasize to their children that they will encounter set-backs. It is unrealistic to tell children that they will always do well and that they will always succeed. Failure is always part of the journey, the children will be better equipped emotionally to handle these set-backs if the parents show appreciation for the difficulties that often lead to success. Build self-esteem in children deliberately take work, but positive youth development depends on it.

For the child to be emotionally ready for first day of school, he or she needs to know that the parent will be there every step of the way. Both parent and child are to step into the unknown and most work together to earn a quality education that also includes positive social and emotional experience. It’s about what children need most – unconditional love. If children know that they are unique and loved to go to kindergarten, they will develop an even stronger sense of self worth and confidence as they learn and succeed in school.


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